INSPIRED! with Mike Eldred

feat. Philip Fortenberry
  • Friday, Sept. 20th, 2024
  • Show Starts at 7:30 PM
  • Atkinson Hall - Whitefish Performing Arts Center

Join Mike Eldred as Amazing Place Music presents a very special On the Stage performance. Follow Mike’s 40-year musical journey as an acclaimed vocalist. From his classical training in high school & college, his career in CCM music, and his 20 years as a studio singer in Nashville, to his Broadway & musical theater career, as a symphony concert host & soloist, & his new passion for bringing great music here to the Valley. Join Mike and renowned pianist, Philip Fortenberry, for an inspiring evening of song and musicianship that will leave you wanting more!Stay tuned for more details about this upcoming event!

All seating is “On The Stage” with the artist. 

Philip Fortenberry

About Philip Fortenberry

As a renowned and versatile pianist whose styles encompass a wide range of musical genres, Philip Fortenberry is an artist with an equally expansive career. As a concert artist, Philip has toured the U.S. with solo performances where he shares his music and life stories from personal experiences as a professional musician.