Mike’s Friends

As a singer, actor, recording artist and 40-year veteran of the entertainment business, APM Founder Mike Eldred has plenty of talented musical friends from around the country and the world that he invites to his favorite place in the world to perform. Here are some artist profiles of just a few of Mike’s Friends who have taken part in Amazing Place Music events.

Big Sky City Lights

Big Sky City Lights

Jim Brickman

Jim Brickman

Ross Bridgeman

Ross Bridgeman

Tommy Edwards

Tommy Edwards

Philip Fortenberry

Philip Fortenberry

Larry Gatlin

Larry Gatlin

Marcus Hummon

Marcus Hummon

Crystal Lewis

Crystal Lewis

Liz Longley

Liz Longley

John Mock

John Mock

Wendy Moten

Wendy Moten

Jonell Mosser

Jonell Mosser

Halladay Quist

Halladay Quist

Chris Roberts

Chris Roberts

Victoria Shaw

Victoria Shaw

Dan Sharkey

Dan Sharkey

Jeff Steinberg

Jeff Steinberg

Erica von Kleist

Erica von Kleist